Research Ethics and IRB
Research Ethics and IRB
Effective as of: 04.17.2007
American University of Armenia

Policy for Publication

Policy Number: ACAD20070001

Researchers have an obligation to carry out research with respect and concern for the dignity and welfare of the people who participate and with cognizance of federal and state regulations and generally accepted professional standards governing the conduct of research involving individuals or groups of persons.


All research or other research involving individuals or groups of persons carried out under the aegis or sponsorship of AUA should be in adherence to relevant professional ethical guidelines for research dealing with human participation and animal subjects. For human subjects this includes all data collection regardless of whether the contact with subjects is face-to-face, via mailed questionnaires or by a third party collecting the data.


AUA will maintain an active Institutional Review Board (IRB) appointed by the President.  The procedures used will be in accordance with the Institutional Review Board Guidebook and the Policy Guidance set forth by the Office for Human Research Protections of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, under which the AUA IRB is registered. It will be the responsibility of the IRB to develop and oversee all research ethics procedures, including education of the AUA academic community about the importance of research ethics and the guidelines for the IRB application process.

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