Statement on Faculty Senate
Statement on Faculty Senate
Effective as of: 03.12.2004
American University of Armenia

Policy for Publication

Policy Number: ACAD20040001

AUA is committed to faculty participation in decision-making.   One of the University’s institutions for faculty participation is the Faculty Senate. The AUA Board of Trustees has outlined the role of the Faculty Senate in the Faculty Senate Charter. Additional information can be obtained from the Faculty Senate Bylaws.

1. The Faculty Senate shall be a representative body of all AUA Faculty holding the ranks of Professor or Lecturer; including those Faculties with Adjunct or Visiting status.

2. The Senate shall organize, choose its officers and its mode of deliberation, and select its method of voting in such manner as it may determine.

3. The Faculty Senate is vested with broad responsibility for deliberating and advising on University policies. The Faculty Senate is authorized to recommend to the President policies pertaining to courses, curriculum, and degree requirements, (while the Board of Trustees retains final authority over the establishment of new degree programs). The Faculty Senate is further authorized to recommend to the President policies pertaining to student admissions and conduct and to advise on criteria for faculty appointments, standards of conduct and welfare.

4. The Senate will call a General Faculty Assembly of the whole AUA faculty on a regular basis at least one time per year and preferably each Quarter.  All Faculties will be invited to participate in the General Assemblies and to actively deliberate on Senate matters.

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