Previous Version of Faculty Workload
Replaced on: 01.07.2017

Effective as of: 01.07.2012

Policy name: Faculty Workload
Ameamerican University of Armenia

Policy of Publication

Policy Number: ACAD20140010

This policy applies to the AUA faculty, who are full‐time employed by the University. It sets the means for determining the required teaching load and other services for each faculty member. Of course no rigid policy can foresee all circumstances, thus exception may be made when circumstances warrant. Any exceptions to this policy will have to be approved by the Provost.

For the purpose of this document, a full‐time faculty member’s “academic salary” is defined as the gross annual salary paid for providing a full load of teaching, as specified below. Normally, this is for teaching done during the nine‐month academic year.

The faculty at AUA engage in several categories of activities: (a) teaching, (b) research, (c) administration, (d) student advising, (e) supervision of student thesis or project, (f) university service, (g) professional service, (h) public service, and (i) professional development. Since the main function of the faculty is teaching, the faculty workload is set in terms of Teaching Credit Points (TCP). A full‐time faculty member is expected to earn 18 TCPs per academic year. These points are earned in the following activity categories:

Teaching: Faculty earn TCPs by teaching graduate or undergraduate courses in accordance to the following formula:

TCP = (Course units) x Factor

where Course units  is the number of semester units carried by the course and Factor is defined as Factor =  1 x (1+n₄₀ x 0.01) for graduate courses

where n₄₀ is the class enrollment in excess of 40. If the enrollment is 40 or less, n₄₀ = 0.

When a faculty member teaches multiple sections of a course, the earned TCP for the second, third, etc., section is reduced by a factor of 0.80. For example, a faculty member teaching two sections of a 3‐unit course with 60 students in one section and 40 students in the other section, earns

TCP = 3 x (1 + 20 x 0.01) + 3 x (1+0) x 0.80 = 6.00

Note that full credit is given to the section with the largest enrollment.

Faculty members co‐teaching a course earn partial TCPs in proportion to the effort they contribute to teaching the course. As an example, two faculty members equally sharing the teaching of a 3 unit graduate course with 30 students earn 1.5 TCPs each.

A faculty member earning more than the required TCPs in a given academic year may carry over the extra credit to the following year (e.g., teach fewer courses the following year). Conversely, a faculty member earning fewer TCPs than required in a given academic year will be expected to make up the shortfall the following year. The IRO will maintain the running difference between the required and earned TCPs for each faculty member.

Supervision of Student Thesis or Project: Faculty earn TCP credit by supervising the thesis or project of graduate students, when such thesis or project is required for graduation from the degree program. 1 TCP credit is earned by supervising 5 graduate students. If the thesis is co‐supervised by two or more faculty, each faculty supervisor gets partial credit in proportion to the contributed effort.

Student Advising: All faculty are expected to serve as advisors to undergraduate and/or graduate students. This involves advising on selection of courses, career paths, and general counseling. No TCPSs are earned for this service.

Administration: A faculty member with an administrative position, e.g., dean, program chair, director of admissions, is given a certain number of TCP credits commensurate with the percentage of time required for the administrative position. This number is arrived at by agreement between the faculty member and the Provost and is a part of the faculty member's contract with the University.

University Service: Service to the University, as member of various standing or ad hoc committees, task forces, work groups, etc., is expected of all faculty. Normally, such service does not provide TCP credit.However, in situations where such service carries extraordinary responsibilities and effort, a certain number of TCP credits may be given. One such example is service as chair of a committee or task force that requires extraordinary amount of effort. The earned TCP credits for such cases are decided by agreement between the faculty member, the Provost and the President of the University, with concurrence of the faculty member’s Dean.

Research: All AUA faculty members are expected to conduct research as part of their normal academic activities. In general, faculty members may earn up to 1/3 of their academic salary additionally from externally funded grants and contracts. Furthermore, faculty may "buy out"

a portion of their required TCP credits to devote more time to externally funded research, subject to approval by the Dean and the Provost. In such cases, a portion of the academic salary is paid through research grants. As an example, suppose Professor X has a large external grant and wishes to spend more time on research. Professor X proposes that he/she teach only three 3‐unit graduate courses and one 4‐unit undergraduate course.

Assuming all classes have less than 40 enrollment, Professor X will earn 3x3 + 4 = 13 TCPs from this teaching. In that case, Professor X must charge the fraction (18–13)/18 = 27.8% of his/her academic salary to research grants. Thus, Professor X will receive 72.2% of his academic salary from the Program funds and 27.8% from research grants. Of course Professor X may additionally charge 33.3% of his/her academic salary to research grants, so that the total amount chargeable to research grants is 33.3% + 27.8% = 61.1% of his/her academic salary. Note that this approach allows handling cases, where a faculty member can only teach a limited number of courses yet wishes to be engaged with the university on a full time basis.

Professional Development: AUA is committed to supporting faculty professional development. However, understandably, funds for this purpose are limited. When occasions arise, the faculty member’s Dean and the Provost will arrive at an agreement with the faculty member on disposition of TCPs for the duration of the professional development activity.

Other Services: Other faculty services, such as public and professional service are expected of all faculty as part of their normal service to the University without expectation of earning TCPs.

Outside Commitments: Professional consultancy work outside the University, either paid or unpaid, provides valuable experience to the faculty, particularly when the experience gained can be brought into the classroom and discussed as examples of real‐world problems and solution methods. However, fulltime faculty members’ primary commitment must be to the University. Under no conditions may outside consultancy work affect the quality and quantity of service expected of and provided by the faculty members. Furthermore, such commitments should be limited in time to no more than 1 day per week. Moreover, faculty engaging in such activities must make sure that they do not violate University’s policies.