Previous Version of Time Status
Replaced on: 01.07.2020

Effective as of: 26.03.2014

Policy name: Time Status
Ameamerican University of Armenia

Policy of Publication

Policy Number: ACAD20140005

Full time:  A typical expectation for full-time commitment is 40-50 hours per week. Thus, an expected range for full-time is from 12 to 18 credit hours per semester.  Full-time enrollment for LL.M. and MSE students is at least 6 credit hours per semester.

Part-time:  Part-time is defined as enrollment in less than 12 units per semester.  Part-time enrollment for LL.M. and MSE students is less than 6 credit hours per semester. In order to study part-time, students must file a Petition for Part-Time Study in the Office of the Registrar and it must be approved by the academic department (Program Chair).  Undergraduate students are not eligible to study part-time.

Overload:  A course load of 18 credits (54 hours/week) is a heavy demand upon students, especially for graduate students.  Students may elect an overload, taking a maximum of 22 units in a semester, with the approval of their Program Chair. Students pay per credit for any credits above 18 credits per semester with the exceptions of LL.M students who pay per credit for any credits above 9 credits and MSE students pay for any credits over 12.

In general, degree programs are not be designed to require students to take more than 18 credits per semester, provided that credit for courses that span more than one semester can be proportionally allocated.