Effective as of: 01.07.2016
Policy name: Grade Policies
Policy of Publication
Policy Number: ACAD20140003
Student academic performance in courses is assessed and reported according to the grade system set forth in this policy. Instructors are required to assign a final grade for each student registered in a course.
- Undergraduate and Graduate Grades included in the Grade Point Average (GPA, see below for explanation)
As indicated in the chart below, a plus (+) or minus (-) suffix added to a grade raises or lowers the grade-point value, except in the case of “A+”, which carries the same number of grade points as the “A” grade.
For transcript and GPA calculations, grade points are assigned as follows:
Letter Grade |
A+ |
A |
A- |
B+ |
B |
B- |
C+ |
C |
C- |
D+ |
D |
D- |
F |
Grade Points |
4.0 |
4.0 |
3.7 |
3.3 |
3.0 |
2.7 |
2.3 |
2.0 |
1.7 |
1.3 |
1.0 |
.7 |
0 |
Undergraduate and Graduate Grades NOT included in the GPA:
W |
I |
IP |
P |
NP |
GM |
TR |
R |
EX |
AU |
Withdraw |
Incomplete |
In Progress |
Pass |
No Pass |
Grade Missing |
Transfer Grade |
Retaken |
Exempt |
Audited |
- Definitions of Grades NOT included in GPA:
Withdraw/W – A “W” grade is used to indicate a student has withdrawn from a course. A “W” grade carries no academic penalty.
Incomplete/I - An “I” grade is used when student work is of passing quality but is incomplete for a good cause (such as illness or other serious problem). It is the student's responsibility to discuss with the instructor the possibility of receiving an “I” grade as opposed to another grade and to initiate the signing of an Incomplete Agreement form to be signed by the student, instructor and program chair which outlines a timeline for completion of course work. The timeline may not be longer than one academic year. If the work is not completed by the agreed-upon deadline, the “I” grade is automatically changed to an “F” or “NP” grade, as appropriate.
In Progress/IP - For certain courses extending over more than one term, evaluation of student performance is deferred until the end of the final term of the course. Provisional grades of “IP” are assigned in the intervening term(s) and are replaced with the final grade when students complete the full course.
Pass/P – A “P” grade is used to indicate successful completion of a course as indicated in the syllabus. A grade of “P” carries credit, but is not included in GPA calculations.
No Pass/NP – An “NP” grade is used to indicate unsatisfactory performance in a course as indicated in the syllabus. An “NP” grade results in no credit earned and is not included in GPA calculations.
Grade Missing/GM – A “GM” notation is used to indicate that a grade has not been reported by the course instructor. A “GM” grade can be used as a placeholder notation when an instructor does not have a student's course grade ready at the time of grade submission. A “GM” notation that has not been updated will be changed to an “F” or “NP” grade after one term, as appropriate.
Transfer grade/TR – A “TR” grade is used to indicate a course that has been transferred into AUA from another institution. “TR” grades carry credit, but are not included in GPA calculations.
Retaken/R – An “R” grade is used to indicate a course which was subsequently retaken by the student. Upon completion of the newly taken course, the original grade is changed to an “R”.
Audited/AU – An “AU” is issued to indicate that a course was audited and as evidence of class attendance and/or participation. A “AU” has neither grade-point or credit-hour value.
Exempt/EX – An “EX” notation is used to indicate that an exemption has been granted for a required course. An “EX” carries no credit and is not included in GPA calculations.
- Grade-Point Average
The grade-point average is determined by dividing the sum of weighted grade points earned by the sum of GPA credits earned. The weighted grade points earned for a course equals the grade points awarded multiplied by the number of GPA credits. GPA credits are credit earned for courses graded with letter grades. For example, if a student takes four three-credit courses and receives grades of “A-“, “B-“, “B” and “C+”, then the GPA for the term equals the total grade points, i.e. 3*(3.7 + 2.7 + 3.0 + 2.3) = 35.1 divided by the total GPA credits for the term, i.e., 35.1/(4 x 3). The GPA is 2.925. Please see the Academic Standing section below for explanation of the relationship between cumulative GPA and Academic Standing. The cumulative GPA equals the sum of weighted grade points earned throughout the entire period of study divided by the sum of GPA credits completed.
Courses are offered under one of the following grading modes. Academic Programs determine what grade mode alternatives are available for their respective courses.
Differentiated (LTR – Letter Grade)
Letter grades of “A+”, “A”, “A-“, “B+”, “B”, “B-“, “C+”, “C”, “C-“, “D+”, “D”, “D-“, and “F” are used to indicate academic performance in a course and are included when calculating GPA according to the chart above.
Undifferentiated (P/NP – Pass / No Pass)
See above for these grades which are not included in GPA calculations.
Note that some courses may allow students to choose either grading mode: differentiated (LTR) or undifferentiated (P/NP). In such cases, students may choose LTR or P/NP when registering for a course, with LTR being the default choice when not otherwise specified. Students may change the grading option once before the end of the Add/Drop period for such courses. The instructor must approve the student’s grade mode change form.
No more than 25% of the total number of credits counted toward a degree can be graded on a P/NP basis. Some courses, e.g. major or degree requirements, may not have the P/NP grading mode option.
A grade may be changed only to correct a mathematical error or misapplication of a grading standard previously announced in the syllabus.
Students may petition for a grade review by following the procedure outlined below within 30 calendar days after the official publication of grades.
How to appeal a grade:
Before deciding to appeal for a grade change, the student should ask the instructor for an explanation of the grade. If the explanation is not satisfactory, the student may appeal the grade, as follows:
1. The student submits a letter setting forth any questions and/or objections directly to the faculty member, with a copy to the Program Chair.
2. The instructor submits a written response to the letter within 30 calendar days of receipt of the appeal, with a copy to the Program Chair. After taking into account the student’s appeal and the instructor’s response, the Program Chair will make the final decision on the grade appeal.
3. If the decision regarding the appeal is to change the grade, the Instructor must submit a Grade Change form, signed by the Program Chair, to the Office of the Registrar.
If the faculty member is also the Program Chair or Dean, the faculty member’s immediate supervisor should carry out the corresponding actions for processing the appeal.
Graduate: In order to graduate, graduate students must retake courses in which they received a grade of “D+”, “D”, “D-”, “F”, or “NP”. Graduate Students are not permitted to graduate with a “D+”, “D”, “D-”, “F”, or “NP” on their transcript. Graduate students who receive a grade of “C+”, “C”, or “C-” have the option of retaking the course if approved by their Program Chair.
Undergraduate: Undergraduate students cannot graduate with an F or NP for a required course on their transcript; they must retake the course and earn a passing grade. If they receive a “D+”, “D”, or “D-“ on a required course, they have the option of retaking the course if approved by their Program Chair. For any other course in which they earn a grade of “D+”, “D”, “D-”, “F”, or “NP”, undergraduate students have the option of retaking the course if approved by their Program Chair.
For all AUA students, degree credit will be given only once for any course retaken. When a course is retaken, the original grade on the transcript will be replaced with an “R”. Only the most recently earned grade in a given course will be used to calculate the student’s cumulative GPA. Students are not permitted to graduate with more than four “R”s on their transcript. Retaking courses may require additional tuition payments; it is the student’s responsibility to clarify any such tuition obligations.
Based on their performance, students at AUA are classified as: “in good academic standing,” “on probationary status,” or “dismissed.”
To remain in good standing and in order to graduate, graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00.
To remain in good standing and in order to graduate, undergraduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00.