Effective as of: 04.03.2014
Policy name: Job Performance Evaluation
Policy of Publication
Policy Number: HUMR20140008
Job Performance Evaluations serve as a summary of the work performance of a staff member and are the basis for staff promotion and compensation increases. The Performance Evaluation is the means by which Employees are given the opportunity to improve their work performance. A performance review should be completed for each regular status Employee by his/her immediate supervisor at least once a year, or more frequently if deemed necessary by the supervisor or the Department Head, but not more than quarterly.
Job Performance Evaluations are conducted with utmost objectivity and concern for fairness as they will impact the work history of the Employee. Reviewers evaluate the quality of the work of the Employee, his/her contribution to the work of a department or division, the Employee's respect for the AUA’s policies and procedures and overall commitment to the AUA. Reviewers evaluate the contribution of the Employee in light of the specific job responsibilities, the established work goals between evaluation periods and any improvement recommendations made to the Employee. In making recommendations to improve the work of the Employee, reviewers should provide suggestions and examples of how the particular work aspects of the Employee can be improved.
Every Employee must have the opportunity to discuss his or her performance review with the reviewer and to acknowledge receipt of the review maximum during three days from the evaluation date. Employees may appeal the performance review and any actions affecting the status of their employment with the Administration. Reports conducted at the end of the Employee's probationary period are not appealable.
Department managers must submit the evaluation scores with the Human Resource (HR) department during five days after the evaluation date. On the basis of evaluation results HR department makes a report and develops an annual training plan for all staff.
The decision about increasing an Employee’s salary on the basis of the Employee’s performance evaluation is made by the President, at his full discretion, based on the business necessity and budget opportunity.
The provisions of the current chapter do not obligate AUA to increase the Employee’s salary.