Previous Version of Residency and Graduate Continuous Enrollment
Replaced on: 26.03.2014

Effective as of: 26.03.2014

Policy name: Residency and Graduate Continuous Enrollment
Ameamerican University of Armenia

Policy of Publication

Policy Number: ACAD20140006

In order to be awarded an American University of Armenia degree, students must fulfill the institution’s academic residency requirement.

AUA UGRAD Residency Requirement

  • Undergraduate students must earn a minimum of 60 (sixty) credits in residence at AUA.
  • Undergraduate students must complete all requirements for the bachelor’s degree within six years of enrolling as a full-time, degree-seeking student, including approved academic withdrawals. Military service is an exception to the standard withdrawal policy.
  • In no instance will a bachelor’s degree be awarded less than two years after a student’s initial enrollment for that degree.

AUA Grad Residency Requirement

  • Graduate students must complete all requirements for their degree within three years of enrolling as a full-time, degree-seeking student, including approved academic withdrawals.
  • Graduate students must complete 75% of the total number of credits for a degree as an enrolled degree-seeking AUA student.

Graduate Continuous Enrollment (GCE)

Graduate Continuous Enrollment is required and applies to all graduate students who have completed all coursework but who have not completed the thesis, capstone, and/or internship.  In such cases, if a thesis, capstone, and/or internship has not been approved by the end of the previous semester, the student must enroll in one unit of credit before the add/drop deadline in order to maintain student status. Master’s degree-seeking students who do not maintain continuous enrollment (two terms each academic year), or who have not been granted a leave of absence, are required to reapply for admission to the university and to the graduate program.  Graduate Continuous Enrollment also applies if a student fails to submit a Petition to Graduate or misses the deadline to submit a petition. 

For example, if the graduation requirements are not completed in the spring semester then the student must enroll for GCE in the fall. If the requirements are not completed in the fall semester then the student must enroll for GCE in the spring. Summer enrollment is not required unless the summer term is considered part of the degree program (PMBA).

All standard university fees apply.

Financial Aid does not cover the cost of Graduate Continuous Enrollment.