Whistleblower: Responsible and Ethical Conduct at AUA
Whistleblower: Responsible and Ethical Conduct at AUA
Effective as of: 05.04.2014
American University of Armenia

Policy for Publication

Policy Number: GENE20140002

AUA is committed to responsible and ethical conduct in the classroom, the workplace and the laboratory. This commitment is reflected in many of AUA’s policies and procedures. Those policies and procedures serve the dual purposes of delineating AUA’s core values and promoting conformance to applicable laws and regulations.

AUA believes that it is important for members of the AUA community to be aware of these policies and procedures and for individuals and organizations outside of the AUA community to know of AUA's dedication to responsible and ethical practices and conduct. This site brings together AUA's policies and procedures that, individually and taken as a whole, embody such commitment, and it serves as AUA's Code of Business Ethics and Conduct under U.S. federal law.

No policy can foresee every situation in which a question about ethical or business conduct will arise. If you have questions, require resources or advice or have observed or suspect violations of AUA policy, you are encouraged to contact the following entity:
