Effective as of: 10.01.2020
Policy for Publication
Policy Number: LIBR2020005
The AGBU Papazian Library is open to:
- AUA Alumni
- AUA Open Education Students, and
- Members of the Public, aged 16 years old and over.
To apply for the AGBU Papazian Library membership ID card you need to present a valid passport or a national identity card. International patrons must either present a residence permit or complete a Consent Form regarding the security deposit payment.
The loss of a library card must be reported immediately. The Library patron must pay for the replacement of the lost card.
Change of personal and contact information must be reported immediately.
Borrowing Entitlement
A patron is allowed to borrow two books from the Library for a two-week period and may renew them if there are no holds placed on them. A patron is responsible for any materials borrowed on his/her card, and for lost or overdue items the patron pays a fine.
Use of Library Space and Facilities
The use of the Library Reading Rooms and other library facilities is restricted to AUA students and faculty only.
Other library members may use the library space and facilities for:
- Using reference/Art, Standardized Test Prep materials, and e-resources.
- Printing/photocopying/scanning of Library materials
- AUA Alumni and AUA Open Education Students are allowed to use the Library Reading Rooms with Internet access during evening hours (from 8pm) and Summer Break (June-July-August).
Membership Fees and Fines
12,000 AMD membership fee (non-refundable), (AUA Alumni and AUA Open Education students are exempt.)
6,000 AMD renewal fee (non-refundable).
6,000 AMD renewal of the lost card.
100 AMD overdue fine per day per item. ∙
1.5 times the price for the lost item.
50 AMD/page for printing and copying.
Members failing to obey the library policy may lose their membership with forfeit of all payments. Patrons who attempt to leave the Library with library materials that have not been checked out properly will be barred from future use of the Library.