AUA Trademark
AUA Trademark
Effective as of: 06.10.2021
American University of Armenia

Policy for Publication

Policy Number: GEN20210007

Section 1: AUA Trademark Use

This policy is meant to govern the registered trademark, names, and the seal of the American University of Armenia (AUA), as well as several unregistered marks, including University images that are representative of AUA (together referred to herein as "Marks").

The approval of the use of AUA Marks is mandatory. The use of AUA Marks must be approved by the President/Provost/Vice Presidents (herein Office of the President) and/or the AUA Office of Communications

Authority for approving all uses of AUA’s Marks remains with the University President.

AUA’s Marks represent the University’s identity and are considered a valuable University asset. The AUA community, as well as individuals and public entities should ensure the right use of the Marks.

AUA’s Registered Marks include the University’s logo, full name and abbreviation both in English and Armenian, as well as the AUA logo and seal:

       • AUA
       • American University of Armenia
       • ՀԱՀ
       • Հայաստանի ամերիկյան համալսարան
       • The AUA Logo
       • The AUA seal

AUA’s Unregistered Marks include the lockups/names of colleges, schools, centers, and various University offices (such as AUA College of Humanities and Social Sciences, AUA Office of Admissions); images of the building and of the campus that possess the University name or names of the various University departments, offices, centers, etc.


Section 2: Use of Marks

The University and its members have a responsibility to ensure that any implied association with the University is accurate. AUA’s Marks may only be used by AUA faculty, staff, students, and alumni (herein AUA community) as provided in this policy and for no other purposes.

Use of AUA’s Marks must comply with the following:

       • The use of Marks by any authorized individual or entity must be consistent with AUA’s mission and serve for the benefit of the University’s reputation.
       • The association between the University and the activity or product must be accurately represented;
       • The use of Marks must be consistent with the Law on Trade and Service Marks and Applications of Origin of Goods of the Republic of Armenia.
       • All uses of AUA’s Marks must carry proper trademark designations, as established by the Armenian Government. This includes ® on registered Marks and TM on unregistered Marks when required.

Faculty and Staff may use AUA’s Marks only as described below:

       • A permission for the use of the AUA Marks should not be granted to individuals or entities outside of AUA without consulting with the AUA Office of Communications.
       • AUA’s Marks can be used by AUA faculty and staff in connection with events, programs, research projects, and other activities that are officially sponsored or co-sponsored by AUA. In all other situations, use of AUA's name, and no other Marks, is limited to the identification of the individual’s affiliation with AUA (e.g., Armen Armenian, Associate Professor, American University of Armenia).
       • The use of AUA Marks in film and video production, print and digital media (including in media advisories and press releases) must be approved by the AUA Office of Communications ([email protected]).

Students and Alumni may only use AUA’s Marks as described below:

       • The use of AUA’s Marks is permitted in connection with the University-sanctioned activities of student and alumni groups. These groups must be officially recognized by the AUA Office of Student Affairs ([email protected]) and the AUA Office of Alumni Relations ([email protected]) respectively, and the activities must be clarified as either a student activity or an alumni activity, and not a University activity.
       • AUA’s name, but no other Marks, may be used by AUA students and alumni to identify their affiliation with AUA.
       • Only recognized student and alumni clubs and groups may produce merchandise that incorporates AUA’s Marks. It must be approved by the AUA Office of Communications.

AUA community is not allowed to disseminate official information using the Marks of the University without the approval of the Office of the President and/or the Office of Communications. They may only share personal experience mentioning their affiliation with AUA, without generalizing the information to the whole University.

Individuals and entities outside AUA must use AUA’s Marks only upon approval from the Office of the President and/or the Office of Communications.


Section 3: Prohibited Use of Marks

AUA community’s involvement in non-AUA activities is not sufficient for the activity to be considered as AUA sponsored or sanctioned, therefore the use of AUA’s Marks in situations alike are considered inappropriate.

No permission is granted for the use of AUA’s Marks mentioned below:

       • By the AUA community in association with commercial activities or outside ventures.
       • With any negative impact or possibility of having a negative impact on AUA’s reputation. These include but are not limited to situations that: (1) violate any law, policy, or regulation; (2) offend or have the potential to offend an individual(s) based on their gender, ethnicity, religion, race, disability, or sexual orientation; (3) could be considered pornographic; (4) could be considered defamatory; (5) imply partisan political activities, political parties, or candidates to political office.
       • By non-AUA individuals or entities, including but not limited to vendors, research and grant funders, donors, guest speakers, and more.


Section 4: Registrations

Domain Names: Domain names that incorporate "AUA" or "American University of Armenia" may only be registered in the name of the Office of Communications of the American University of Armenia and may only be used in connection with activities that are officially sponsored or sanctioned by AUA.

Marks: Trademarks for the University may only be registered in the name of the AUA President and may only be used in connection with activities that are officially sponsored or sanctioned by AUA. AUA Office of Communications is responsible for registration of all trademarks for the University.


Section 5. Additional Provisions

If the copyright of the work is owned by the University, no approval is necessary to refer to the registered and unregistered AUA Marks. Copyright notices should not include the names of AUA colleges, schools, research centers, and offices separately, as University as a whole is the legal proprietor of copyright in University-owned works.
       • AUA colleges, schools, research centers, and offices may adopt supplemental rules to govern their own activities. Any such rules should be consistent with this policy and be reported to the Office of the President.
       • Questions concerning the interpretation of the policy should be addressed to the AUA Office of Communications ([email protected]).

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