Arranging for Visas and Travel
Arranging for Visas and Travel
Effective as of: 01.01.2022
American University of Armenia

Policy for Publication

Policy Number: ADMI20220004

AUA Services office processes invitation letters, visa and/or residence card applications and covers related fees for core and visiting faculty members, who are affiliated with AUA through a formal employment or special service contract. While the Office of Student Affairs takes care of processing invitation letters and residence card applications for international students. The duration of the visa and/or residence card applied for should not normally exceed the term of employment of a faculty member as stipulated by his/her contract, unless there is a commitment on the part of AUA to extend or renew the employment of these employees. The AUA Provost/Vice-President or the person authorized by him/her must approve the latter cases.

AUA will not be responsible for extending visas for those persons who do not have a valid employment contract or special service contract and whose stay in Armenia is not related to AUA's official business.

The visas and tickets are coordinated by the AUA Services Office. In any event, this office should authorize issuing of tickets to the faculty. Immediately upon arrival of foreign faculty and international students in Armenia, the Services Office checks their passport, visa, and airline tickets to make sure that everything is in order. There are penalties if visa deadlines are not adhered to and documents are not presented to the Passport and Visa Department on time. International faculty and students are expected to cooperate with the Services/Student Affairs Office on this task in order to save time and to avoid unnecessary extra costs. International Faculty and students should check the expiration date of their visa with particular care and ask the Office of Services/Student Affairs to extend their visa, if necessary. They should contact the offices at least seven working days before the expiration date. Usually, this extension takes up to seven working days. When faculty appointments at AUA, or when student’s studies at AUA last for one year or more, they should contact the corresponding office one month in advance and apply for a one-year residence card. This extension may take up to four weeks. AUA can also facilitate the process of applying for the special residency status in the Republic of Armenia (10-year passport) for international faculty and students. The faculty and students should pay the full expenses related to obtaining this document.