AUA Archive
AUA Archive
Effective as of: 10.01.2020
American University of Armenia

Policy for Publication

Policy Number: LIBR20200002

  1. The purpose of establishing the AUA Archives is to preserve historically valuable documents related to the University, which otherwise would be lost. Records of past activities are valuable because of their ability to shape the Universities historical presence and also contribute to the development of the University’s future. The archive will serve as:
  • long-term memory, access to past experience, expertise and knowledge, and a historical perspective
  • a way of accessing the experience of past students, faculty, and staff
  • an evidence of the University’s continuing rights and obligations
  • a source for identification of ourselves and our organization.


Most materials have their origin in the various offices of the University. These materials are the property of the institution. When these records become inactive or obsolete, they are not to be destroyed but must be transferred from the office of origin to the Archives.


  1. The list of items to be collected might include but are not be limited to:
  • University founding documents (governmental decisions)
  • Administrative records (minutes of governing body, policy and procedure manuals)
  • publications (books and brochures)
  • course catalogs
  • photographs, videotapes and other materials of school events (graduation, baccalaureate ceremonies, etc., speeches of guests, lectures)
  • articles from local and foreign newspapers
  • student term papers
  • research projects
  • materials related to extracurricular activities
  • artifacts (trophies, flags, donated objects, memorabilia.)


  1. The Director of the AGBU Papazian library, who is professionally trained at the University of Illinois, will assume the coordination of the University Archives’ management. Her duties and responsibilities will include:
  • maintaining the collection materials according to the preservation requirements of archival documents (obtaining acid-free boxes, providing appropriate labeling, creating list of documents by box number, etc.)
  • providing access to archive resources and holdings to faculty, students and staff.


Deans and departmental heads are expected to actively cooperate with the Library Director to review new departmental materials’ submission on an annual basis.


  1. The archived materials may be housed in the library or at the AUA Administration's Office and locked in a cabinet.

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