Guidelines for Computer Laboratories
Guidelines for Computer Laboratories
Effective as of: 10.15.2020
American University of Armenia

Policy for Publication

Policy Number: ICTS20200003

Students using the laboratory are asked to be respectful of other patrons and their need to get work done. Behavior, which disrupts other users, can lead to removal from the laboratory and further disciplinary action if it violates AUA Computer and the Network Appropriate Use Policy or the Student Code of Conduct.   When facing problem with any of the equipment, ask a proctor for help. Students should not attempt to fix problems with the equipment themselves.

And, students should abide by the following guidelines:

     - No food or drink is allowed in the laboratory.
     - No game playing is allowed on laboratory computers.
     - Student ID is required to use the computers.

During busy periods, particularly near examination time and at certain peak times during the week, the laboratory may be crowded. At these times, proctors will maintain a waiting list on a first -come-first-served basis. Anyone using computers without checking-in may have to yield their computer to waiting students.


Proctors are at the main desk.  Proctors help students use application programs, print, and find online help, or other documentation, for supported software.

Network login names

AUA students are provided with login names to access the AC server, print, and use internet and email. Login names appear as FirstName_LastName and e-mail addresses are [email protected].

Students' login names are used to keep records on printing and Internet traffic.


Laboratory computers are connected to a laser printer. AUA provides paper for printing in the computer laboratories. Students can print up to 50 pages per course free of charge. For printing exceeding the limit students pay 15 drams/page at the end of the academic semester.

Students can use the free- of-charge limit during the academic semester. If certain projects are done in months when no classes take place, the need for projected-related printing must be approved by the program director of relevant program.

Installing or Loading Software

Loading software onto laboratory computers is strictly prohibited. Any violation could lead to removal from the laboratory as well as termination of access to computer laboratories.

Student Files

Students may create a directory for academic work on Windows Desktop. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain copies of files that are put on the local drive. Any foreign files on our hard drives will be deleted. Neither the Computer Laboratory nor the Proctors will be responsible for any lost files.

Time Limit

The time limit for computer usage will be enforced if the laboratory is busy or if a specific software another student needs is installed only on the workstation another student is working on.

The Laboratory Computers

Students should Log OFF of the workstation when they have finished working.  If a workstation crashes, please see the Proctor for help.

Clean-Up Your Workspace

In order to keep the computer laboratory free of papers at or near the workstations, students should clean their own litter after each usage.

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