Management of Keys and Locks
Management of Keys and Locks
Effective as of: 01.01.2022
American University of Armenia

Policy for Publication

Policy Number: ADMI20140014

All AUA room keys are kept by the Superintendent. Academic program administrative assistants are responsible for keeping a record of keys’ distribution to faculty. Requests for additional copies of keys should be made to the AUA Superintendent. It is strictly prohibited for employees to order a copy of a lost key.

No additional locks shall be placed on any door on AUA premises without the expressed written consent of the AUA Director Facilities and Services. In case of a lost key, the head of the appropriate department should notify the AUA Superintendent.  The lock will be replaced for security purposes.

All such replacements will be charged to the department. In those cases when employees of more than one department share the keys for the same lock, the cost of replacing the lock will be shared between the departments.

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