Carrying over course credits and grades from a previous AUA record to a new record
Carrying over course credits and grades from a previous AUA record to a new record
Effective as of: 07.01.2021
American University of Armenia

Policy for Publication

Policy Number: ACAD20200031

The policy and procedures set forth in this document apply to cases when a newly admitted student has a previous AUA record from coursework that did not lead to the attainment of a previous AUA degree (e.g. the student was dismissed, permanently withdrawn, had an unapproved absence, or the previous status was non-degree).

The following are not addressed in this policy:

       · a student who was accepted to a graduate certificate, began coursework, but later applied to and matriculated to a master’s program;
       · undergraduate changes of major or cases of credit transfer;
       · a student who takes a leave of absence and returns to resume studies in the same degree program as previous.

This policy pertains only to courses that were successfully completed, and for which passing grades were awarded; this excludes “I” (Incomplete), F, IP, and NP grades.


The student completes a Petition with the Office of the Registrar. The Petition lists the courses the student requests be carried over, the grades earned, the term in which the courses were earned, as well as the rationale for courses listed.

The Office of the Registrar conducts a screening based on the submitted Petition and taking into consideration the factors below, calculates the new cumulative GPA, attaches the previous transcript of the student, and prepares the case for the next step.

The Petition is then forwarded to the respective program chair for review and approval for undergraduate students and to the respective head of the academic program for graduate students.

Factors to be considered:

       ·    The relevance of the course to the curriculum of the degree program to which the student was newly admitted;
       ·    The relevance of the course taking into account curricular and program modifications over the years;
       ·    The grade the student received in the course;
       ·    The cumulative GPA of the student after the carrying over of the courses, credits, and grades as the student petitioned; the carryover should benefit the student’s GPA, not compromise it;
       ·    The duration of the new contract:

       - undergraduate students should study for at least two semesters of full-time study (or equivalent);
       - graduate students should study for at least one semester of full-time study (or equivalent);
       - for certificate programs, students should complete at least half of the required number of credits after this new matriculation;
       - if the student’s previous record had courses transferred from other universities, these transfers should be evaluated anew under the Transfer Credit policy in force at the time of the new record;
       - if a course is no longer part of the curriculum, the student learning outcomes of the previous course need to be evaluated to ensure that the course still contributes to the degree program outcomes as currently defined.

Additional considerations:

Undergraduate Level

       · Previous courses are eligible for potential carry over with a minimum grade of C as per the definition of “good academic standing” for undergraduate students, subject to the program chair’s approval;
       · The student can petition for a previous course with an earned grade of C- to be carried over to the new record;
       · The student cannot petition for a course to be carried over if the grade earned is below C;
       · No more than 80% of the degree requirements can be carried over.

Graduate Level   

       · Previous courses are eligible for potential carryover with a minimum grade of B, as per the definition of “good academic standing” for master’s students, subject to the program chair’s approval;
       · The student can petition for a previous course with an earned grade of B- to be carried over to the new record, accompanied by a recommendation letter from an instructor within the program in support of the petition;
       · The student cannot petition for a course to be carried over if the earned degree is below B-;
       · Not more than 50% of the degree requirements can be carried over.

Regarding courses completed as a non-degree student, the number of courses eligible for carryover is governed by the Non-Degree Status policy, while the procedure for carrying over is governed by this present policy.

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