Previous Version of Recruitment and Employment
Replaced on: 26.03.2024

Effective as of: 04.03.2014

Policy name: Recruitment and Employment
Ameamerican University of Armenia

Policy of Publication

Policy Number: HUMR20140004

New Position Opening

            In case of a need for opening a new position in the department, the head of the department fills in the New Position Opening Form and submits it to the HRM department.

            After discussing the issue with the appropriate department supervisor and receiving approval, the Human Resources manager classifies the new position according to the existing job classification, defines salary range for it and submits to the AUA President for final approval. 

Vacant Positions

            The AUA strongly believes in the internal promotion of its Employees and gives due consideration to the advancement of deserving Employees who have demonstrated outstanding performance and dedication in their prior work at the AUA when new positions become available.

            When positions must be filled with new Employees, employment opportunities at the AUA are publicly advertised to attract the most qualified pool of applicants. This may include advertising in newspapers of general circulation, radio, WebPages special announcements or any other means deemed appropriate for a particular position. In general, employment opportunities shall also be placed on the AUA website and be displayed at the AUA.

            Employment listings include the job title, job classification, a listing of responsibilities and minimum qualifications required.

            In order to be considered for a position, applicants are to complete the required AUA Application Forms and/or to submit a resume and recommendations as requested. The AUA selects the applicant who is deemed to be most qualified to perform the duties of the position effectively.

            The AUA HR Management department  coordinates staff recruitment, interviewing, hiring and firing procedures. It works closely with deans, program and center directors, department heads and other staff supervisors, to determine the particular job requirements for each position. The HR Management department may, if requested, suggest a short list of potential candidates for each position. Final interviews shall be conducted by those who are in charge of a college, program, department or center where the staff member will be working. Final decision about employment will be made by the AUA President.


Employment of Immediate Family Members

            The AUA believes that the employment of immediate family members in certain circumstances may impact objectivity at work, affect the work of colleagues and create potential conflicts of interest between Employees.

            For purposes of this PPM, an immediate family is defined to include the following family members: the Employee’s spouse, children, parents and siblings. The employment of immediate family members in the same college, center or department may be permitted when such employment is deemed not to jeopardize any AUA policy and is deemed to be in the best interest of the AUA.

            If two Employees become immediate family members during the course of their employment at the AUA, and one of them is in a supervisory relationship with the other, both Employees must inform the AUA Administration. In such circumstances, the AUA reserves the right to reassign Employees to other positions or change their working relationship. Not hiring family members in the same department is not considered to be violation of non-discrimination policy.


 Dual Employment and Protection of AUA Interests

             Dual employment is regulated by the RA Labor Code. Employees may, from time to time, take on certain assignments outside, provided that these assignments are not in conflict or in competition with the AUA work/projects and can reasonably be accomplished during the Employee’s free time, do not interfere with the Employee’s regular duties and responsibilities and do not adversely affect his/her performance at the AUA.

             Employees are advised to consult with their supervisor to ensure their second employment does not create a conflict with AUA employment. The AUA Administration reserves the right to disapprove of any outside employment for its Employees if it is deemed that the Employee's alternative employment place or method may create a conflict with the AUA employment.

            For example, not to participate personally and not to support anyone and/or company participating in a funding project for which the Employer has provided an offer or a bid.

            An AUAF administrative Employee may take on assignments as described above in another department at the AUAF, provided the AUAF Administration and the Heads of both departments pre-approve the assignment and agree on its particular terms.  In these cases the Employee’s regular employment will be reduced by a certain percentage to allow for successful implementation of the other assignment, whereby the total employment will not exceed 100%.